Build your organization's digital engineering skills with Caltech's Advanced Model-Based Systems Engineering Certificate program. This interactive course builds upon a group's foundational MBSE experience and is geared toward enhancing capabilities to build complex models, integrate suppliers' models, shape modeling standards for teams, and execute sophisticated simulations. Through a customized program, your engineering leaders and Caltech CTME tailor the curricula and participant experience to fit specific needs. This flexibility extends to integrating with your frameworks, products, and contexts.
Build your organization's digital engineering skills with Caltech's Advanced Model-Based Systems Engineering Certificate program. This interactive course builds upon a group's foundational MBSE experience and is geared toward enhancing capabilities to build complex models, integrate suppliers' models, shape modeling standards for teams, and execute sophisticated simulations. Through a customized program, your engineering leaders and Caltech CTME tailor the curricula and participant experience to fit specific needs. This flexibility extends to integrating with your frameworks, products, and contexts.
Program Experience
The Advanced MBSE training program is a tailored, focused course for experienced systems engineers looking to improve their MBSE skills and lead MBSE teams. It covers three critical areas of MBSE, including project approach, model creation with SysML, and integrating elements to form a complete system representation. In addition, participants will learn about stakeholder identification, trade studies, model behavior evaluation, user interface design, and more.
The course is designed to be highly interactive and hands-on, with participants working in teams to build a comprehensive model demonstrating their understanding of MBSE concepts and techniques. Upon completion, participants will have gained a deeper understanding of MBSE and be able to apply their new skills in real-world scenarios.
This course is structured to cover three essential aspects of advanced model-based systems engineering. Participants are expected to have experience in applied systems engineering and a working understanding of SysML diagrams and use modeling tools, specifically No Magic, Cameo Systems Modeler, Enterprise Architect, or similar. Participants are highly encouraged to complete the Model-Based Systems Engineering courses with Caltech before enrolling in Advanced MBSE.
Students will learn to:
Select the correct representation for the system of interest
Develop custom profiles and libraries to capitalize on opportunities for reuse
Identify the necessary resources and infrastructure to support an MBSE effort of arbitrary size
Understand how to tailor MBSE to a particular application or analysis
Develop the framework for an MBSE/SysML plan
Perform analyses using simulation capabilities and model execution
Confidently and competently communicate model contents, structure, and analyses to stakeholders
Develop confidence in deploying the new skills on the job – immediately
This program is customized to your organization's needs. Some of the topics generally covered are:
Mobilizing for scale
Identifying model stakeholders
Generating custom documents and reports
Evaluating considerations in developing model guidelines
Customizing the SysML Language
Understanding when and why to customize the language using stereotypes
Identifying opportunities for reuse and organizing models to support reuse
Creating and using libraries
Performing trade studies in SysML
Evaluating model behavior
Designing and simulating user interfaces
Configuring simulations
Creating a capstone model that combines all elements of the program and topics covered
Sharing and evaluating non-trivial SysML models
Applying core SysML concepts, simulations, and customizations to build an accurate representation of your system
Who Should Attend
This program is ideal for intermediate MBSE modelers, systems engineers, and professionals seeking a deeper holistic use of SysML model representations who may be individual contributors or have responsibilities for man- aging other engineers models and project deliverables. Candidate participants include those who:
Design and implement development processes
Coordinate modeling efforts across projects and teams
Need to establish modeling practices and guidelines for their organization
Are responsible for creating the overall MBE/MBSE strategy and corresponding deployment
Need to build robust descriptive models to plan and manage the development effort effectively
Want to unlock the power of simulation in their MBSE process
Need to understand the process of creating executable models
Need to deploy analyses in their executable models, such as trade studies, requirements analysis, behavioral analysis
Would like to coach and mentor in the deployment of MBSE methods on their programs
Successful participants in Advanced MBSE should have the following skills prior to program enrollment:
Working knowledge of the Cameo/No Magic, Enterprise Architect, or other MBE toolset
Understanding of the core principles of systems engineering
Ability to deploy systems engineering fundamentals to create a cohesive, descriptive model of a system from scratch, using SysML in Cameo
Ability to perform stakeholder and use case analysis and use that information to drive the generation of requirements and architecture
Familiarity with Cameo Simulation Toolkit to support fundamental analysis of descriptive models